4 Crazy Questions to Ask Yourself before you make a lifestyle change

Here’s your Food for Thought:

Sometimes you need to ask yourself a CRAZY question in order to see what you really want and need.

When it comes to making a change and actually seeing a positive outcome you have to ensure that you are actually on the right path for your personality, lifestyle, readiness AND goals. So how do you know? Whether you're transitioning into a new season of life or just feel stuck, so often your tendencies are to refer back to what you already know. But usually, what you know and what you’re familiar with is what didn’t work for you. So why repeat the same mistakes? You don’t touch a HOT stove after burning your hand, do you?! Sometimes, you do refer back to a time when something worked well for you, but are your life circumstances the same as before? If not, you can't expect the same results. Something has to change and for that change, you most likely need to ask some CRUCIAL QUESTIONS, maybe even CRAZY QUESTIONS to get started on the right path for you, right now.

When I can tell that I am stuck with what my next change needs to be or even where to start, I ask myself these 4 crazy questions. You will understand why I called them crazy because they're not questions that you would typically be asked. So take a look at these questions and answer them truthfully about a change you think you want to make.

  1. What POSITIVES CAN YOU SEE about NOT changing? What is working for you with the status quo? What are the benefits of staying the same?

  2. What NEGATIVE THOUGHTS/FEELINGS ARISE about changing? If you changed, what might you have to give up or lose? How would your regular routine be disrupted?

  3. What might be POSITIVE about changing? If you changed, how would that be helpful or beneficial? What new opportunities or possibilities could open up?

  4. What ARE THE NEGATIVES if you do not change? If you didn’t change, what negative outcomes are possible? If you keep going the way you’re going, how might your life look in the future (say, 10 years from now)?

CRAZY RIGHT? When you consider the benefits of NOT changing at all, you truly
see what’s holding you back, your fears and possible roadblocks as well as the cost/benefit analysis. I swear this always works for me! See a recent example I put to the test:

  1. What POSITIVES CAN YOU SEE about NOT changing? What is working for you with the status quo? What are the benefits of staying the same?

    I am more connected to family and friends as well as my business presence online. I am still creating thoughtful content that some people are seeing and therefore I am helping people. I can see updates more quickly on my family and friends’ lives. 

  2. What NEGATIVE THOUGHTS/FEELINGS ARISE about changing? If you changed, what might you have to give up or lose? How would your regular routine be disrupted?

    I am afraid it will negatively impact my business. The trends right now are to be online all the time and so if I go offline, how will I market my courses, coaching, and offer free insights into nutrition and mindful eating as a way of life?

  3. What might be POSITIVE about changing? If you changed, how would that be helpful or beneficial? What new opportunities or possibilities could open up?

    I would gain my time back and be freed from feeling overwhelmed by staying up with the current trends and patterns for SM marketing. I would be able to utilize my creativity in other aspects of my business. 

    I would not get caught up in the “social comparing” trap that I can find myself in at times. 

  4. What ARE THE NEGATIVES if you do not change? If you didn’t change, what negative outcomes are possible? If you keep going the way you’re going, how might your life look in the future (say, 10 years from now)?

    Time management and feeling creativity being stifled are at a high. I need a break so I can refocus on what matters and spend time doing things I love and that bring me joy. The people who I want to stay connected with on SM, I am already connected with. I can spend more time creating better blogs, recipes, and add a new weekly tip via email to my loyal subscribers. 

Can you see how my thought process led me to see what I valued the most? What I was giving up did not outweigh the change I wanted to see and make. So I made the change and have zero regrets! 

These questions help you to see what you value and help you troubleshoot what YOUR next steps should be. It’s a great place to begin when you are truly trying to make a change, without jumping on a fad, or pulling at strings in survival mode. You can thrive and make a change at the same time!

What question created that AHA moment the most for you?

What change are you going to make or wait to make? Comment below!

This week’s Tasty Twist: Moroccan Spice Blend

The perfect way to travel the globe without leaving your home! Transport your tastebuds with this super simple spice rub that you can use with pork, chicken and fish.

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Cheers to a life.simply.balanced,

Jenni Sills

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